This department focuses on improved sustainable food security and improved incomes in the target community. Its core activities are:
- Mobilizing the community and training farmers using the farmer field school approach in which farmers learn in the field schools and replicate the same at home.
- In addition to this, farmers are supported with farm inputs, small scale irrigation equipment, improved chicken and loans.
- To date 351 farmers have been supported with farm inputs, 5 with irrigation pumps for irrigation, 51 more have received dairy goats and 215 improved chicken. 15 farmers have also been supported to conduct soil analysis and are now able to make informed decisions.
- Besides this, 8 self help groups have benefited from loans worth Kshs: 430,000.
As a result of these activities 69 households now have income above poverty level. 395 households have improved food security and 369 more have reported improved incomes.