Maternal & Neonatal Child Health Project
The objectives of the project are improved maternal and child health outcomes; improved nutrition status of mothers, new-born and children under-five years by preventive actions; improved family planning uptake and sexual reproductive health outcomes; and strengthened capacity of the health-care delivery system
This is achieved through:
- Capacity building health workers.
- Support health facilities to conduct child health Interventions (immunization, IMCI and growth monitoring).
- Support health facilities to provide quality MCH, nutrition and FP services.
- Support CHWs to promote high impact nutrition interventions; Exclusive Breast feeding and optimal complementary feeding for infants, Improved hygiene practices including Hand washing.
- Train teachers at ECD centres on growth monitoring and personal hygiene.
- Support CBOs to sensitize men and women, on reproductive health rights and family planning.
- Promote access to youth-friendly reproductive health services.
- Support health facilities to plan and manage their family planning commodities stock.
- Train and equip the implementation of the community health strategy.
- Train health facility management committees.
- Advocacy actions at district, county or national level on issues related to mother and child health, nutrition and family planning, including but not limited to increased HRH availability in remote areas, salt iodisation, and food fortification.
- Support income-generating activities for CHWs.