Integrated Community Development Project
This project was launched with the view of harnessing the collective objectives and channeling the gains made across the Program’s various projects in a manner that would eventually integrate them into a single project with deeper impact and stronger emphasis on the outlying objectives that had yet to be achieved. In addition to its predecessors, the project would be bolstered to include the maternal and neonatal child health, and livelihoods sub-projects. It was also conceived with a view to enhancing monitoring and evaluation efforts to measure the gains and achievements that had been made and assess the need for new strategies into the future.
This project focuses on the following interventions:
- Improved and sustainable food security in the target community which will be achieved through training farmers, supporting them with farm inputs, dairy goats, improved breeds of chicken and to start fish farming.
- Improved income among target community households through training and establishment of self help groups, producer groups and provision of grants.
- Improved access to safe water through construction of shallow wells, protection of springs, installation of tanks in Schools and households, sensitization of the community on safe water handling and training water committees & Artisans.
- Improved sanitation and hygiene through training community resource persons such as Teachers and Community health workers, supporting schools to install sanitation facilities, hand washing kits and supporting hygiene programs.
- Improved Maternal, neonatal and child health outcomes through training health care providers and community resource persons on (Infant and young child feeding, Maternal, Neonatal and child health, prevention Mother to child transmission & focused ante natal care. Traditional birth attendants will also be trained on income generating activities and supported to initiate them. Community out reaches on immunization of under 5 years old and pregnant mothers are also being conducted. Four health centres have already been equipped with delivery equipments. Men will also be trained on Maternal neonatal and child health.
- Improved access for Malaria care and prevention. This is done through Malaria awareness creation campaigns in the community and Schools, Training community health workers on Malaria prevention, purchase and distribution of long lasting Insecticide treated nets and purchase of microscopes for selected health facilities.