August 10, 2016

Community HIV/AIDS Department

Overall Objective

Improved health and livelihoods among people living in North Gem by reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS and improving the care for the infected and affected target communities.

Project Purpose

The project purpose is to achieve reduced spread of HIV/Aids and improved care for the infected and affected community of North Gem by end of 2015.

Project Interventions

North Gem HIV project focuses on:

  • Awareness creation on HIV/ AIDS prevention and control in the target community.
  • Care and support for the infected and affected which includes medical support, food packs, Educational support for orphans and vulnerable children, Jigger treatment ,sensitization and improved shelter.
  • Lobby and advocacy for people living with HIV/AIDS, orphans and vulnerable children to access treatment and bursaries from local government institutions. Training on succession, property and human rights are also conducted.
  • Improved livelihoods for people living with HIV and OVC guardians. This involves provision of grants to start and expand businesses and of farm inputs to ensure better food production.